For Cara Moon, life had come full circle. Once an accomplished and prominent interpreter in Seoul, South Korea, fate-altering events compelled her to return to her hometown in rural Northern California. Now, while reprising her role as a member of the lively Antonacci family and assuming sole responsibility for her newborn son, she is coping with the still-fresh and hurtful divorce from her Korean diplomat husband—Moon Hyo—and the vagaries of a capricious relationship with her best friend, Michael Lee.
Yet, Cara realizes that she cannot remain in the back country she found so confining as a young woman—more so now since she had lived among other people and cultures of the globe. It was time to move on—hopefully in a place that would challenge her talents and intellect. A place where her son could happily acquire the necessary skills to develop and survive in an ever-changing world.
“Eye of the Storm” by Cindy Diaz Photography
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.