The novel chronicles the adventures of a spirited young American woman who follows her new husband to his post at Osan Airbase in South Korea. When the marriage falls apart, as it invariably does when built on the flimsy foundation of romantic daydreams and youthful passion, Cara Youngblood chooses to remain in the country that has captured her heart, determined to rise from the ashes of her flawed decisions, lost opportunities, and failures—to rebuild her life.
Cara Youngblood – Intrepid and self-reliant, Cara challenges conventional boundaries, willing to reinvent herself to survive-to embrace love.
A walk on the beach… a stirring… a Pandora’s box.
Moon Hyo – a diplomat deeply steeped in the customs of his country and bound by the heritage of his politically-powerful family. His one desire—to possess Cara.
A meeting… an affair… an ultimatum.
Michael Lee – U. S. born Korean. Enigmatic, even to those closest to him, a man of diverse talents and hidden truths. Devoted guardian and confidant to Cara, and yet….
A mission… a complication… a calm resolve.
Kang Dae Ho – Undercover for Seoul’s Organized Crime Unit, luring Cara with a powerful attraction from the first moment they met. A trust that would prove perilous.
A warning… a diabolical plan… a sacrifice.
Awards & Achievments
Winner, Silver Medal ~ 2015 Global eBook Awards
Five Star Review at
Whereby I see that Time's the king of men,
He's both their parent, and he is their grave,
And gives them what he will, not what they crave.